Today I’m going to share with you the breakdown of a recent Apple job offer. (Disclaimer: I have changed the data slightly to protect confidentiality but both the numbers and structure of the compensation reflect the current reality of Apple offers.)
Job Title: Software Engineer
Internal Job Level: Apple ICT 4
Base Salary: $200,000
Annual Performance Bonus: 10%
Equity: $600,000 worth of Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) vested over 4 years (25%, 25%, 25%, 25%)
Annual Total Compensation: $200,000 + $20,000 + $150,000 = $370,000
This is a rich offer — the annual total compensation is $370,000 at time of signing (before taking into consideration of annual raise and stock appreciation.)
This offer is comparable to offers from Google or Facebook. In term of leveling, Apple ICT 4 = Amazon Between SDE 2 and SDE 3 = Google Between L4 and L5 = Facebook Between E4 and E5.
Ironically, the $370,000 total compensation is barely above the $343,420 household income threshold to afford a $1.7M medium-priced home in San Francisco County.
Startups are having a hard time to compete against top employers such as Google, Facebook and Amazon. If you get an offer average $370,000 a year from Google/Facebook/Amazon/Microsoft, the opportunity cost and risk of joining a startup is simply too high (unless you’re getting startup equity at co-founder/senior management level and the startup is a rocket ship.)
Announcing 30-Day COVID-19 Job Search Workshop: In addition to my 1 on 1 interview coaching ($749 – $2,499), to help as many people as I can during the current challenging time, I am adding a new group coaching program for a limited time.
We will have a weekly call for 4 weeks and unrestricted email support. This is not a regular offering of mine, it’s intended to help you not just weather the storm but to find sunny skies, and to be part of your support system. This is a highly structured program that will keep you accountable for your job search. Our weekly workshop will give you specific guidance on resume/cover letter, define target list, professional networking, and interview preparation. Job Search can be lonely and stressful. Your workshop cohort and I will serve as you support network to overcome the challenges, turn the crisis into opportunity, and succeed.
I have a few slots left (I keep each workshop to a small group), write me at to sign up: $500 (4 1-hour weekly workshop session over Zoom, unlimited email support, job search accountability journal, private Slack channel, and more)
Career and Interview Coaching
As an experienced corporate executive, GM, CMO, and former software developer, I’m uniquely positioned to help you navigate your job search and career challenges.
Please note most job search expenses are tax deductible but please check with tax accountant to confirm.
Here are the details of 3 coaching programs I offer:
1) Interview preparation coaching (i.e. I’m your “personal trainer” to help you prepare for interviews with Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, Salesforce, and other top firms). My colleagues and I will work with you on every single aspect of your interview. Highly targeted and personalized — I’ll personally design a program tailored to your background and need. I’ll assign the right coach to address your specific needs. All of our coaches are current or former employees at the companies you’re applying for. They have been through exactly the same process you’re going through now.
Interview Coaching Packages:
Express Package: 2 1-hour 1-on-1 coaching sessions plus unlimited email based consultation. $749 (10% off plus FREE access to my How to get a job at Amazon online course)
“All In” Package: 4 1-hour coaching 1-on-1 coaching sessions plus unlimited email based consultation: $1,499 (10% off )
2) “From Employee to Executive” MEGA Course (1-on-1 coaching for 6 months): My single focus is to help you get to where you want to go — I only take on a few clients a year as this requires 6 months of extensive coaching from me. This program also requires an application as the admission process is competitive. The goal is to get you to VP level or above in 3-5 years time frame. I’m your “wise mentor” who “has been there and done that”. I’ll share with you everything I learned to climb the corporate ladder while balancing family and work. I personally do all of the mega coaching myself. Coaching Package Price: $3,499 (8 1-hour sessions plus unlimited email based coaching) and up.
3) Career “ER Doctor”: You’re having a major career crisis. For example, you joined a new company but hated the job after a few months. You’re laid off. You’re being put on a performance improvement plan (PIP). You haven’t interviewed for 10 years and you have an interview with Google next week. Our coach will cut to the chase and help you turn your problem into an opportunity. Price: $399 for one-hour coaching. Discount available for multi-hour coaching.
If you’re interested, simply reply to this email for questions and sign-up.