Mission: Help people to nail job interviews and get jobs.
Approach: Equity Research Techniques meets Career Guides
- Focus on specific company (e.g. Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, etc.).
- Written by people who have worked at the employer with extensive first-hand interviewing and hiring experience
- Most comprehensive research and analysis of each employer
Founder: Andrew Franklin (pen name) is an consumer internet and e-commerce executives based in the Pacific Northwest. He has a passion for career development, coaching and helping others to achieve their dreams.
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I am currently working for Accenture on Cloud Migration with 19 years IT experience. Recently contacted by AWS recruiter for Level 5 job and location will be Los Angeles. I live in Dallas area. Some of my friends suggest that moving to LA from Dallas for level 5 with AWS is not a good idea.
Can you please suggest on this.
Hi Andrew,
This is Jagdish H. Choudhary. I am reaching out to you to explore options to get myself ready for getting opportunity for Amazon , Facebook, and/or Apple. Would you please send me more details at rt2jagdish@gmail.com